Pantin Sergej Aleksandrovich | «Фонд взаимопомощи»

Pantin Sergej Aleksandrovich

Diagnosis: Posterior mediastinum neuroblastoma with bone marrow metastases, stage 4, high risk

Purpose of collection Лечение — Иммунотерапия

The collection is closed 2 079


My name is Pantina Irina Vitalievna. In April 2020, my son was diagnosed with Posterior mediastinum neuroblastoma with bone marrow metastases, stage 4, high risk.

We are currently receiving medical treatment according to the German protocol at the Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of pediatric hematology, oncology, and immunology.

This treatment must be completed with immunotherapy, but the drug for this treatment is not registered in Russia.

The German University Hospital Halle agreed to help us with immunotherapy after the completion of the main treatment. But the cost of this is immunotherapy is extremely, astronomically high, and our family will never afford it.

We are begging you to help us and give our son a chance to live healthy and happy!

Thanks in advance!

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